*Co-working Space Umidass is located in Toyonaka, Osaka

Co-working Space Umidass is located in Toyonaka, OsakaCo-working Space Umidass is located in Toyonaka, Osaka. Power, Wi-Fi, and Free Drinks are available. It is up to you how you use the space. We have many services available for users. This place makes your wish come true. We can provide services in English, too.

*Here are types of people that come to Umidass

Here are types of people that come to Umidass*Here are types of people that come to Umidass
-cannot concentrate in work or study at home
-would like to be inspired by communication with others
-trying best to achieve targets like exams, start-up, side-business, qualification etc
-needing an address other than home and seeking advises for new business
-enthusiastic about learning in and organizing events, seminars, workshops
Umidass has supports ready, tailored made for each individual needs.
Talk to us anytime.


UmidassUmidass is located in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture.
20 minutes from Senri-Chuo Subway Station and 20 minutes from Osaka Airport Monorail Station.

If you come by train, it is 7 minutes walk from Shibahara-handaimae Station (Osaka Monorail).
It is 7 minutes walk from Shibahara Bus Stop (Hankyu Bus).
Here is the walking direction to Umidass.
We have spaces for bikes and motor-cycles.
Car parking is also available. (free spots for 6 cars underneath the building, 4 other free spaces nearby. If all occupied, there are coin-operated parking close to the facility. If you are not sure, please ask the staff for location.)

*Umidass is found inside Buddhism Temple’s property.

It is first in the nation co-working space in the temple. We are in very quiet environment that you can relax and focus as it is not in the busy business district.
You can do work, study, and event organizing in the temple, if you wish.
The temple has a history of 400 years and the Cycad tree that is grown in the precinct is recognized as a natural monument of the city. The director of Umidass is vice chief priest of the temple.

Umidass is found inside Buddhism Temple’s property.

*Opening days and hours of Umidass

-Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 10:00-22:00
Sat/ Public Holiday: 10:00-20:00
-Closed days
New Year Holidays, Summer Break, Golden Week
#Specific days will be announced.

*Price Structure of Umidass

Visitor prices are available for overseas travelers and international students. Monthly plans that enable you to use as many as you need, also available.
<Visitor Price>
-1 hours: 200 yen
-More than 8 hours: 1,500 yen

<Monthly Plan>
Free Plan/ All Opening Hours/ 9,800 yen
Week Days Plan/ Mon-Fri: All Opening Hours #Excld. Public Holidays/ 7,800 yen
Night & Holiday Plan/ Mon-Fri: After 17:00 Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: All Opening Hours/ 7,800 yen
Daytime Plan/ Mon-Fri: 9:00-16:00 #Excld. Public Holidays/ 6,800 yen
Holiday Plan/ Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: All Opening Hours/ 5,800 yen
Academic Plan/ All Opening Hours #Student ID Req./ 5,800 yen
Reserved Seat Plan/ All Opening Hours/ 15,000 yen
-Enrollment Fee: 2,000 yen
-For Adjournment and Resignation, please inform us by 25th of the month before.
(Approx. 6 weeks notice is needed for Adjournment and Resignation)
-The payment for the first month, we ask for the month you are enrolled (calculated at daily rate) + next month fee by cash.

-From next month and onward, the payment is required (cash, bank transfer, or credit card) by 25th of the month before.
-For the usage outside your plan, the excess hours will be charged as per visitor price rate.

*Message of the director of Umidass

Message of the director of UmidassUmidass, taking advantage of this building in Toyonaka, we hope to contribute to the community. We wish this space be the base for those who want to start something new from Minoh, Ikeda, Suita and other cities in Hokusetsu region (North part of Osaka Prefecture). This space is not just for Japanese but also for overseas travelers and international students to mix and interact, making this region the better place.
The space can be for freelancers and start-uppers like other co-working spaces in business districts but can also be used as study hall, meetings, exchanges, seminars. We wish to continue to operate this space as free space and share office for everyone.

